Technical FAQs

1. Forgot your password. How to obtain it?

After three unsuccessful attempts of login in to the site the system will automatically reset your password and an email will be sent to your registered email id with new password.

2. How to be a Registered User of the web site?

Just fill in few easy questioners and become our registered user.

3. What is the facilities for Registered Users?

Registered Visitors can see and access a wide variety of articles and PDFs

4. How to access the site as a registered visitor?

The first time you log in, enter your e-mail as your log-in ID and the password you were assigned when you registered. Your e-mail address must match the one you are provided when you registered. You can any time change your password and other information from My Account page.

5. How to give my feedback/personal opinion?

Click on feedback on home page.  Register your required details. Post your personal opinion. You can post your personal view in kids’ corner, publication and major activities sections also.

6. How you can contribute your work for this web site? How much it will be safe?

You may send unpublished scientific paper for publication to the e-journal PROMMALIA. You may send articles for ENVIS Newsletter. You may also send photos for the Photo Gallery or popular article for the kids’ corner or major event, etc. You may send the pdf copies of your scientific publications on Faunal Diversity for uploading in the Publication Section. Moreover if you are an faunal expert you may send your details for our Expert Database.

Your personal documents or resources will be verified before uploading. All your documents, photos etc. will be published with your copyrights and address.


 Subject related FAQs

1. How to see/download a scientific article?

If you want to see a article, go to Bibliography section; click view all or advanced search. If the article is dowloadable the option will come at the end of the covering page after clicking the “view”. If you want to see the articles from PROMMALIA or ENVIS Newsletter, go to Publication, click more option and select your required option. The information regarding books, posters and pamphlets are also available in the same section.

2. How to know about the status of any taxa?

Go to “publication”; click on “more” option; find “checklist of Indian fauna” and search for your required taxa.

3. How to know about the status of any threatened species in India?

Go to “Major activities”; click on “more” option, find “Threatened Animals of India”.

4. How to know about the new faunal discovery in India?

Go to “Publication”; Find “Animal Discoveries of India”; click on required years to get the desired information.

5. How to know about the protected area sites in India?

Go to “Major activities”; click on “more” option, find “Protected areas and Conservation Areas of Indian States” or “Biosphere Reserves of India”.

6. How to get ENVIS Newsletter (hard/soft copy)?

Go to Publication, click more option; click on“Newsletter” option. Search year wise to get ENVIS Newsletter details and pdf version of the respective issue.

7. How to know about any scientific references (authors/publications/subject)?

Go to “Bibliography” section; click on “advance search” and fill up your relevant/ minimum search information to get the respective reference. 

8. How to get the updates of wildlife/zoology/environment related news?

Go to the “Latest News” to get the recent updates. You can visit also “upcoming events” to get recent ENVIS works

9. Where I may deposit the specimen collected by me? National Designated Repository for Fauna 


Centre related FAQs

1. What is ENVIS?

Click on “About us” on Home page and find “ENVIS Centre on Faunal Diversity” to get the details of the centre as well as its history and development.

2. Locations of ENVIS centers in India

Click on “ENVIS Network” on Home page and find “ENVIS Centres” to get the details of the regional centre of ENVIS in India and related information with communicable addresses.

3. Work of ENVIS Centre in Zoological Survey of India

Click on “ENVIS Network” on Home page and find “Focal Points” to get the long-term and short-term objectives, responsibilities and works done by ENVIS centre.

4. Help for the students and researchers

Students and researchers can communicate their publication through an e-journal “PROMMALIA” or ENVIS Newsletter. They can contribute their works by popular write up in kids’ corner and photo gallery. Researchers can find references or required baseline information through ENVIS web site. One can find various national, International organization details and regional Biodiversity boards through “Related links” on Home page. 

5. Interactions

Anybody can put their “Online query” and also comment through “Feedback” via registration. Their queries and comments will be communicated within a period of time by expertise.